Member Oaths

Regular Member

I, [Regular Member's Name], In the presence of Almighty God, and the members of the Marine Corps League here assembled, being fully aware of the symbols motto, principles and purposes of the Marine Corps League do solemnly swear or affirm that I will uphold and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America and of the Marine Corps League. I will never knowingly wrong deceive or defraud the League to the value of anything. I will never knowingly wrong or Injure or permit any member of any member's family to be wronged or injured if to prevent the same is within my power. I will never propose for membership one known to me to be unqualified or unworthy to become a member of the League. I further promise to govern my conduct in the League's affairs and in my personal life in a manner becoming a decent and honorable person and will never knowingly bring discredit to the League so help me, God.

Associate Member

I, [Associate Member's Name], In the presence of Almighty God, and the members of the Marine Corps League here assembled, being fully aware that as an Associate Member I will not be permitted to hold an elective office or to vote on Marine Corps League policy, a membership application, or an election of officers. I do solemnly swear or affirm that I will uphold and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States of America and of the Marine Corps League. I will never knowingly wrong deceive or defraud the League to the value of anything. I will never knowingly wrong or Injure or permit any member of any member's family to be wronged or Injured if to prevent the same is within my power. I will never propose for membership one known to me to be unqualified or unworthy to become a member of the League. I further promise to govern my conduct in the League's affairs and In my personal life In a manner becoming a decent and honorable person and will never knowingly bring discredit to the League so help me, God.

Copyright © 2015 Cpl. Joshua J. Ware Detachment #1403 - All rights reserved.